艾米丽叶地理学博士研究生 艾玛Loizeaux 和教授 艾米丽叶 (照片R.)都参加了在沙姆沙伊赫举行的《博彩平台推荐》第27次缔约方会议, Egypt in November 2022 as part of a collaborative event ethnography project on “Power and (in)justice in global climate governance.艾玛在第一周,艾米丽在第二周. 

Our goal was to focus on the role of 中国 at COP27 in terms of climate discourses and the question of scale in climate (in)justice. 特别是, we hoped to pay particular attention to advocacy of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) and “nature-based solutions” (NbS); and positions on climate adaptation finance, 以及损失和损害. We generally began our days at the constituency meetings of RINGO (研究 and Independent NGOs) to meet other researchers and orient ourselves toward the negotiations happening that day.  然后博彩平台推荐把时间分配到一些会外活动上, 特别是在中国馆, and observing negotiating sessions that were open to observers.  We focused on negotiations on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (on “cooperative approaches” to achieving Nationally Determined Contributions, including creating a global emissions market); the Global Goal on Adaptation; a financial mechanism for loss and damage; and in the last two days, 围绕封面决定文本的激烈谈判.  

As was widely reported, numerous infrastructural problems plagued the conference.  在最初的几天里, 没有足够的水喝, 在偏远地区,食品价格高得离谱, 防护场所, 参与者至少发现了一次污水泛滥, and most observers could not watch sessions because there were far too few seats and security did not allow observers to sit on the floor.  虽然大多数问题在第二周就解决了, sound systems remained a problem in the temporary structures that housed some of the negotiating rooms.  没有耳机的地方, 吹风扇, 频繁的飞机飞过头顶, and generally bad acoustics made it quite difficult to follow sessions in these rooms.  Delegates also spent a lot of time complaining to session co-facilitators about not receiving draft negotiating texts with adequate time to review, and arguing about whether future working sessions on various agenda items should be in-person or hybrid, 以及在小组工作中Word和PDF文档的优点.

Because of our focus on negotiations and on 中国-related side events, 博彩平台推荐没能到达绿区, the space for civil society and others without official badges.  Though advertised as being “just across the street” from the official (“Blue Zone”) venue, 事实上,去那里很困难, and others reported that little was happening there beyond exhibits by local Egyptian artists and activities.  Adjacent to the Green Zone was a designated “demonstration area,” a marker of the host country’s authoritarian approach to the tradition of significant street protests just beyond the COP gates. Because of the demonstration zone’s distance from the venue itself, 大多数激进组织抵制这个空间, instead focusing attention on winning UN approval for protests within the Blue Zone, where participants would be limited to those with conference badges but where visibility to negotiators, 媒体, 参加会议的人会更高. We witnessed Blue Zone protests that included singing and chants of “1.5 .活下去!”“团结起来的人民永远不会被打败!”, “System change, not climate change,” “Climate justice now!” and the ever-popular “Fossil of the Day” ceremony (awarded to countries who “are doing the most to achieve the least.”) 

Despite the presence of activists and pavilions dedicated to Climate Justice and Indigenous 人s, 更大的展馆空间, 其中包括国家馆和组织馆, 在信息和感觉上都很集体吗. 漂绿盛行. An unprecedented 636 fossil fuel lobbyists attended the COP – a greater number than all but one country delegation. The Business pavilion listed Chevron and Exxon-Mobil as being among its “partners.”  OPEC had a pavilion and the Gulf States all had gigantic pavilions. 因为亭子太贵了, 另一方面, many sub-Saharan African states had pavilions with multiple sponsors – including oil companies.  

最终达成协议的事实, 然而模糊, 设立一个损失赔偿基金, was the only notably positive outcome – and one that was the culmination of years of activism. Although President Biden, in his plenary hall speech, apologized for the U.S. withdrawal from Paris and proclaimed that “the United States is meeting the climate crisis with urgency and with determination,”在谈判室内.S. delegates could be seen dragging their feet on numerous technical points. 博彩app推荐灭失和损坏, they argued that existing funds should be used for this purpose, 这个问题需要更多的研究, 一个漫长的推出时间表将是必要的, and ultimately required that the text specify that the fund has nothing to do with “liability” or “compensation.”  Such tactics were met with frustration and sometimes derision from other Parties. 沙特阿拉伯代表, 中国, and other members of the Like-Minded Developing Country negotiating group argued against the 1.5摄氏度的目标,反对任何提及化石燃料的言论.  虽然1.5 fortunately remained, fossil fuels were omitted from the final cover decision.  The intent is clear: to allow “mitigation” efforts to focus on CCUS and other technological solutions that allow continued extraction and burning of fossil fuels, 尽管成本高且减排效益不确定, instead of reductions in consumption and pursuit of the “just transition” that climate justice advocates at the COP so clearly called for.   来自许多国家的演员, 包括美国在内, 正在推动这些技术, arguing that “the math” says that it is the only option – despite much evidence to the contrary and despite activists’ arguments against false solutions. 

http://www.怀特豪斯.gov /简报室/ speeches-remarks / 2022/11/11 /快速眼动...
