发表: 2023年3月8日

博彩平台推荐地理学教授博彩平台推荐其他校区, join classroom lectures and seminars and give major lectures open to the host campus’ community

艾米丽叶, 博彩平台推荐的地理学教授, 被提名为2023- 2024年度的Phi Beta Kappa博彩平台推荐学者, 学术荣誉协会已经公布了.

叶是全国14位获此殊荣的学者之一. 作为博彩平台推荐学者, 叶将博彩平台推荐有Phi Beta Kappa分会的大学和学院. Visiting Scholars spend two days on each campus meeting informally with undergraduates, 参加课堂讲座和研讨会, 并向学术界和公众开放一次大型讲座.

叶从事自然与社会关系及发展的研究, 主要分布在中华人民共和国的藏族地区. 她写过博彩app推荐畜牧业的政治生态的文章, 争夺自然资源的冲突, 对气候变化的脆弱性和知识, 自然保护的文化和本体论政治, 以及环境主体性的偶合性生产.  


艾米丽叶的主要研究兴趣是权力问题, 政治经济, 以及自然与社会关系中的文化政治.

她的书 驯服西藏:景观转型与中国发展的礼物 explored the intersection of 政治经济 and 文化政治 of 发展 as a project of state territorialization. 

她也是 Mapping Shangrila: Contested Landscapes in the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands and of Rural Politics in Contemporary China,著有超过55篇文章和章节. 

她定期教授政治生态学课程, 发展, 环境与社会地理学, 当代中国与研究设计. 2021年至2022年,她担任美国地理学家协会主席.

叶最近回答了五个博彩app推荐她的奖学金和研究的问题. 对话如下:

Question: You hold degrees in electrical engineering and computer science and in technology and policy from MIT, in addition to your PhD from the UC-Berkeley Energy and Resources Group: How does this academic training affect your research and scholarly work in geography?

我整个高中都是一个喜欢数学和科学的孩子, 是什么让我学习电气工程的. 我现在所做的是非常不同的, 但我认为它让我对地理的跨学科性产生了欣赏.

作为一名本科生, I enjoyed my coursework but realized after a summer internship in engineering that I wanted to do something that was more directly engaged with society and my growing interest in the environment. The Technology and Policy program attracted a lot of students like me—people who had studied engineering or physics but wanted to do something more policy and society oriented. 

这让我在作业上有了很大的自由, and I 太k a class on Development and Under发展 in the Third World in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning from a geographer (Jesse Ribot) who had done his PhD at the Energy and Resources Group. 

我立刻意识到这就是我想从事的工作, 所以我也申请了ERG. That was also an interdisciplinary program that had begun in the 1970s focused on energy but which, 当时我在那里, attracted students who wanted to work broadly on a range of human-environment issues. 

I 太k classes in the geography department (as well as a lot of other departments) while there. A number of graduates have gone on to be geography professors—so my training there in 政治生态 and 发展 geography is very much directly related to my current scholarship.

问:您是研究青藏高原的专家, 中国和喜马拉雅山, 你在哪里进行人种学研究. 是什么把你吸引到这门学科上来的?

我对西藏的关注是偶然的. 1993年,我从大学毕业,获得了工程学学位, my parents—who were born in China and grew up in Taiwan—sent me to Beijing University to study Chinese for the summer. 虽然, I met a couple of Japanese tourists over a weekend trip to Inner Mongolia who suggested we go to Xinjiang together. 

然而,当时有洪水,博彩平台推荐买不到票. 他们建议去西藏. 那是在一个不需要入境许可的短暂窗口期, 博彩平台推荐可以很容易地买到机票. 我在拉萨和日喀则呆了一个星期,被那里的文化景观所震撼, 以及雄伟的自然景观, 两者都与我以前见过的非常不同. 这就是我最初对西藏产生兴趣的原因. 晚些时候, 在我获得硕士学位之后, I worked in Beijing for a year on sustainable 发展 and was able to travel to Tibet again. I knew that I wanted to work on environment and 发展 issues and had Chinese language skills, 但我也不喜欢住在北京. 



当我在加州大学伯克利分校的能源和资源小组工作时, 我获得了一个FLAS(外语) & 区域研究奖学金, 我曾经在拉萨学过一年藏语, 哪一个是令人惊奇和迷人的经历. 我真的爱上了西藏文化,现在还能找到八廓寺, 拉萨市中心大昭寺周围的商店和街道, 世界上我最喜欢的地方之一. 

问:去年, you spoke during a Coloradan Conversations event focused on climate change and human rights; there, 你提出了受气候变化影响最大的人群, 比如西藏牧民, 拥有最少的资源去适应它, 因此, wealthier nations that are culpable for climate change should pay for this adaptation. 你认为有什么明显的迹象表明这种补偿可能会发生吗?

: Italian theorist Antonio Gramsci famously used the phrase “pessimism of the intellect, 意志的乐观,我认为这是相关的. The promise of a Loss and Damage Fund at COP27 in Sharm-el Sheikh was a long-sought-after and important step in the right direction at the national scale, 但该基金要取得成果还有很多事情要做. 

许多问题仍然存在, 太, about whether the scale of eventual funding will come anywhere close to the scale of need. There are also no guarantees that the funds will be directed within countries to the most vulnerable. For example, Tibetan pastoralists live in China, a country that would not be a recipient of any Loss & 损害基金(确实有些国家希望中国向该基金注资). 

不过, “意志的乐观” means that we need to consistently work toward realizing visions of justice, 即使它们看起来难以把握. 

Q: If a group of middle-school students were to ask you why they should consider post-secondary studies in geography, 你会如何回应??

我会告诉他们:地理比你想象的要复杂得多! A lot of the most important issues you hear about in the news—geopolitical conflict (for example, 乌克兰战争), 边界和国际移民, 野火增加对人类健康的影响, 气候变化对冰盖融化的影响, 在冲突, 在灾害, 流行病传播的空间格局, 科罗拉多州积雪减少及其对植被的影响, 土著领土和人权, the politics of nature conservation这些都是地理学家研究的内容. 

地理比你想象的要复杂得多! A lot of the most important issues you hear about in the news—geopolitical conflict (for example, 乌克兰战争), 边界和国际移民 ... 这些都是地理学家研究的内容. ​

We also use geospatial technologies, developed by geographers, every day in our smartphone apps. Many students these days are interested in a lot of different topics and thinking about them in an interdisciplinary way—which is exactly what geography does. 它是整体的,通常被称为最初的跨学科学科. 这是博彩app推荐人类和环境的, 以及不同的地方是如何演变成现在的样子的. 

为了了解地理学家所做的一切, we can also think about the four geographers who were recently elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Dawn Wright is the chief scientist of the Esri (Environmental Systems 研究 Institute), 谁生产流行的GIS产品. 她在创建第一个海底地理信息系统数据模型方面发挥了主导作用. 

Marilyn Raphael does research on climate change and variability in the high-latitude southern hemisphere and the interaction between Antarctic sea ice and the atmosphere. Marshall Shepherd works on remote sensing and climate and is the host of the Weather Channel’s Sunday talk show, 天气极客. 最后, Ruth Wilson Gilmore is a pioneer in the study of racial capitalism and the mass incarceration in the U.S.  

问:你对被提名为Phi Beta Kappa博彩平台推荐学者有什么反应?

被选中完全是一个意外! 我真的很荣幸,非常期待所有的校园参观. It’s wonderful to have this opportunity to meet with students at different colleges and universities and share some of my research.