
This page will be updated with more information as it is finalized, 请继续检查更新.

当学生在网上申请毕业时, their names go onto the graduation roster for the term they specify. 参加毕业典礼是可选的. 

如果你即将毕业, be sure to work with your advisor to complete all degree requirements and the necessary Apply for Degree paperwork.

在Coursera上参加MS-CS课程的学生  在门户网站申请毕业. MS-CS项目工作人员将联系即将毕业的学生. 请与mcs职员联络 mscscoursera-info@xqykl.net 有问题吗?. 

参观 工程学院 graduation page for more details and links.

所有 计算机科学 students graduating in December are included in the ceremony for the 工程与应用科学学院. December graduates are also welcome to return for the 大学毕业典礼 the following spring. A reception will be held in the CSEL (ECCS 114) following the 工程与应用科学学院 ceremony that all graduates and guests are welcome to attend, 不需要回复.

看到 CEAS毕业网页 了解更多信息.

学生 graduating in spring or summer 2024 are invited to take part in the May 2024 ceremonies and are included in May ceremony materials.

一定要 申请毕业 通过 你的Buff传送门 as soon as possible if you plan to complete degree requirements in spring 2024 or summer 2024. 为本科生, the deadline to 申请毕业 for spring 2024 is the last day of classes (May 2nd) but you must submit before April 1 to be included in our graduation materials. For grad students, March 1 is the last day to submit or cancel a graduation application. 如有任何问题,请咨询你的学术顾问.

在某些情况下, students who previously graduated or will graduate in another term want to participate in the spring graduation 事件s. 的 只供步行的表格 is for students whose names are not on the May or August 2024 graduation rosters, but who still want to participate in the May 2024 department ceremony.


  • If a student completed/will complete degree requirements in December but wants to participate in a May ceremony. 
  • If a student graduated in a year in which no May ceremony was held.
  • If a student is completing CSCI-BA major requirements as a Post Degree Additional Major in Arts & 科学, you are not actually graduating a second time but the form alerts us you will walk in our department ceremony. 

为了包含在May事件中,您必须完成 只供步行的表格不迟于四月一日. To complete this form, you must be logged into Google with your CU Boulder credentials; see the OIT G套件页面 寻求帮助. 学生 completing this form should also contact their academic advisor to confirm their expected graduation date.



CU巨石主机 多个 庆祝毕业的选择. 大学毕业典礼, detailed below, recognizes all CU Boulder grads. 许多部门, 项目和附属组织举办表彰仪式, 例如下面列出的计算机科学系的典礼. 学生 with additional majors or affiliate groups might also have ceremonies for those programs.

所有仪式都是可选的. You and your guests may choose to enjoy 多个, just one, or none of them. 参加典礼不影响学位地位.

  • 的 大学毕业典礼 事件 将于2024年5月9日星期四在福尔瑟姆球场举行. 学生们 not recognized individually at the commencement 事件 but celebrate as one large student body.
    • 这一活动包括授予学位, 杰出的演讲嘉宾, 毕业班视频, 和更多的.
      参观 毕业典礼上网站 有关主校区毕业典礼的详情.
  • 计算机科学专业的学生将被授予 部门的仪式.
    • 完成学士学位的计算机科学专业学生, BS, ME, MS, or PhD will be honored at the 计算机科学 Ceremony the evening of Friday, 5月10日, 下午4-6点在CU活动中心.
    • 学生 cross the stage and have their names read individually during this ceremony.



  • Who: 学生 completing any degree in a CS program (计算机科学, TCP, 电信, 网络工程), 还有他们的家人和客人.
  • 日期:2024年5月10日,星期五
  • 时间:仪式下午4-6点. 场地于下午3时开放入座.
  • 地点:科罗拉多大学活动中心(原库尔斯活动中心)
  • Reception: A light reception will immediately follow on the Business Field.

请注意,科罗拉多大学活动中心遵循 清袋政策. 唯一允许使用的袋子是透明塑料袋, vinyl or PVC and 不 exceed 12” x 6” x 12” or one-gallon (or smaller) clear plastic Ziploc/freezer bag. Large bags and prohibited items will not be permitted in the arena. Please ensure all students and guests are familiar with the policy to be able to enter the arena.
所有 students and guests will need to pass through security to attend.

  • 客人: We are pleased to invite students to bring as many guests as they like, 因为竞技场提供了充足的座位. 不需要门票和回复, but be sure to make guests aware of the CU 事件 Center policies listed above.
  • 停车: 停车 will be available in several locations on campus for free. Close-in parking and drop off locations are available for those who have difficulty walking; ADA placards are not required. 看到 CU活动中心停车地图 可用位置.
  • ADA的需求: If students or their guests will require any ADA accomodation (other than parking), 请提前通知博彩平台推荐,让学生填写 CS毕业ADA申请表.
  • COVID政策: 所有 事件s will be held in accordance with applicable campus policies and public health guidelines with the goal of providing a safe and meaningful experience for all.  请博彩平台推荐博彩平台推荐 COVID-19更新页面 for the latest on public health measures applicable to university 事件s.
  • 转播画面从2022年5月开始的直播记录可以在这里观看 http://vimeo.com/707170736.
  • 让步: 场馆内将开设小卖部.
  • 天气科罗拉多州五月初的天气可能难以预测. 博彩平台推荐鼓励学生和来宾查看天气预报. 可选的招待会将在户外草地上举行, 因此,博彩平台推荐建议您穿合适的鞋子.e.(不穿高跟鞋),并根据预报分层.

Information is now available on the 大学毕业典礼 website 学士学位帽 博彩app推荐学生如何获得他们的徽章.  一些重要的注意事项:

  • 本科生 从中大书店购买徽章,可在店内或网上购买, 可选择店内提货或送货.
  • 研究生(硕士、博士) 佩戴从Jostens网上订购的皇冠. 
    • Graduate regalia is now “ship-to-home keeper” regalia and is not rented/does not need to be returned.
    • 订购毕业礼服的截止日期是 3月下旬.
  • Tassel colors are white for College of Arts and 科学 dergees and orange for 工程学院 degrees.
  • 学生们 不需要购买帽子 & 礼服 to participate in the 计算机科学 ceremony, though most choose to do so. 所有 students must wear regalia to participate in the 大学毕业典礼, 但系里的典礼还是接受冠冕堂皇的, 专业的服装.

  • 研究生影像摄影 会拍摄婚礼吗.
  • Register for ceremony photos in advance to receive a 20% off coupon. 博彩平台推荐GradImages.com/Registration查询详情.