


的re are many ways to promote your organization and its events. 例如, you can advertise online and in student publications or you can pitch a news story to the student radio station. You can even have your message printed on the BuffBus.

Whether you are hanging posters in the UMC or just starting to create them, 一定要阅读下面的有用指南.


  • 基本信息(活动名称、日期、时间、地点)
  • RSO name and contact information, including email or phone number
  • Funding sources (if you received funding from a board, 资助实体必须清楚标明)
  • 其他重要信息:
    • 费用或者是否免费参加
    • 出席详情(例如, free for CU Students with Buff OneCard; open to everyone; must register in advance; first-come, 标间, 等.)
    • 其他标志(包括中大标志)


的 traditional, tried and true methods of advertising usually work the best. 请看下面.


Always post your events as early as possible on the 中大活动日程表. 的 calendar provides room for details, an image or photo, and contact information. It also provides an event link useable in your other advertising.  进入事件日历后,导航到 搜索/Browse 事件 > Login with Identikey > Fill out form.

University Strategic Relations often pulls from this list for events featured in 今天的科罗拉多大学.


Printed materials may only be posted on authorized kiosks, 公告栏和其他指定区域. 禁止 区域包括灯柱, 窗户, 私人宿舍区域, 垃圾桶, 建筑外观, 树, 卫生间, 停车场, 汽车, 迹象, 门, 教室, 人行道上. 你可以找到一个全面的列表 海报的位置 这里(每年更新). 


  • Most CU buildings have designated areas set aside for the display of print materials. It is your responsibility to ask individual building personnel where display areas are located, and you must get approval for posting materials from the individual building proctors. 
  • CUSG的材料使用, Printing and Posting Policy requires the use of recycled paper (minimum 35% post-consumer content) and the use of “readily recyclable paper” for all RSO postings. Papers to avoid that are not recyclable are astrobrites, neons and very dark-dyed papers. 不确定你的帖子是否可回收? 请致电303-492-8307致电CU回收.
  • Major printing jobs (consisting of 50 copies or more and/or any bound or multiple page projects) must be easily recyclable and contain the highest possible post-consumer or tree-free paper content possible that is both readily available and cost effective.
  • Materials must be removed within 48 hours after the event has occurred.
  • 的 university may ask your organization to pay repair costs and other fines, perform community service and eventually forfeit university scheduling privileges for repeated posting violations.
  • 有关校园张贴规定的更多信息, contact the CSI Resource Center at (303) 492-1633 or stop by UMC 330.


的 UMC has display case locations in various parts of the building. Your RSO can schedule one display case per semester for four non-consecutive weeks. 联系 中大活动策划 & 餐饮 at 303-492-8833 or visit them in UMC room 140 to reserve a display case.



的 校园使用大学设施 policy states, the term “chalking” refers to using chalk on 人行道上 for messages. 的 university restricts chalking to concrete or asphalt exterior 人行道上 that are exposed to natural elements.

用粉笔写的是 禁止 在下列地点:

  • ​​建筑物外墙,包括墙壁, 门, 窗户, 外墙, 屋顶, 挡土墙, 外垂直表面, 长椅, surfaces intended for seating and horizontal surfaces under overhangs or 屋顶
  • 建筑物内
  • 天井、广场或露台
  • 任何建筑物入口或门口10英尺内
  • 在UMC拱廊

用粉笔写 must be done by using stick-chalk that quickly fades away with the natural elements within a few days. 的 use of spray paint and/or spray chalk is not permitted. 的 university may erase any chalked messages that do not comply with university policies or regulations.

用粉笔写 may only be used to promote university programs or student activities. 用粉笔写 may not be used for commercial purposes, including advertising or other promotion. Existing chalked messages that otherwise comply with this policy may not be erased, 覆盖, 改变, defaced or otherwise removed except by university personnel.

Any person or organization found to have violated the chalking section of this policy may lose chalking privileges, be subjected to disciplinary action and/or be required to pay the cost of removal.

If you need chalk, stop by the CSI Resource Center in UMC 330 to pick some up!


Did you know nearly one million passengers board the Buff Buses each year? 的se passengers include CU students, faculty, staff and dignitaries. Take advantage and promote your organization, more information can be found on the 停车 & 交通Buff巴士站.

News releases, print advertisements (Colorado Daily), public service announcements on radio and TV

的se are great additions or alternatives for your advertising. Your group may receive free publicity for your event, 还有报纸, radio or TV station may want to do a special feature about it. To advertise in the Colorado Daily for your organization, 查找联系方式 招聘广告销售代表.


    问题? 联络你的联络员 for information on how to plan events, market your organization, 安全会议 and more.